
21 Reads

This is Jesus talking...Read this, this morning and was like wow...Am I taking up the cross daily (remembering that Jesus died for my sins so I can live free from them)?Am I taking up the cross and waking up everyday to chose him?Chose his way and deny my selfish/sinful ways.Am I doing that?I guess that's a question for me to ask myself everyday.Am I taking up the cross of Christ? Am I ready to take a stand for Christ? Remembering the gospel that is that me and everyone in the world is a sinner and that we all need a savior (Jesus Christ) to save us from our sins. It's not something we can achive on out own at all, not by good works, not by anything we do ourselves.But by acknowledging that Jesus Christ came to earth, living a perfect, sinless life (something that we couldn't/can't do) and died for our sins. He took all our sins: past, present, and future on himself for everyone but he didn't stay dead because 3 days later he rose again, defeating death. All we have to do is trust in him and believe that he is the only way to heaven. We can be with him someday when he returns. We won't ever not sin but it's been paid for and when we ask God for forgiveness he doesn't see it anymore