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nirvana shatakam 💐
mano buddHi ahankaara chitthaani naaham
na cha shrothra jihve na cha gHraaNa nethre
na cha vyoma bHoomir na thejo na vaayuh
chidhaanandha roopah shivoham shivoham
I am not of the mind - the intellect, the ego or the memory…
I am not the organs of hearing, tasting, smelling or seeing…
I am not the space, nor the earth, nor fire, nor air…
I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am Shiva!
na cha praaNa sangnyo na vai panchavaayuh
na vaa saptha dHaathur na vaa panchakoshah
na vaak paaNi paadham na chopastHa paayu
chidhaanandha roopah shivoham shivoham
I am not the Vital Life Energy, nor the 5 manifestations of it…
I am not the 7 essential elements nor the 5 sheaths of the body…
I am not the parts of the body - the mouth, the hands, the feet…
I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am Shiva!
na me dhvesha raagau na me lobHa mohau
na me vai madho naiva maathsarya bHaavaha
na dHarmo na chaartHo na kaamo na mokshaha
chidhaanandha roopah shivoham shivoham
There is no hatred nor passion in me, no greed nor delusion…
There is no pride,