3 Reads
i don't want you to read the captions but if you do reading it then let me tell you one thing which is my opinion and purley my thought n I'm not willing to force it on you ...
there is nothing like Unconditional Love : Because Accepting EACH other's terms & conditions and respecting it, is Love and now a days I've read so many quotes like .. if you love then don't expect to be loved, why not dude and who the heck you are why one should not expect love ... it's the only thing in Life we are all dying for working our asses 24x7 just to get attention and Love , brains are getting fried n frozen just to get a girl, to ask her out I've been taking advices from some chaman chutiya on internet .... ok forget it I warned you and you read it so give it a like and tell me how was it or let me know what are your thoughts .. btw good morning