
3 Reads

Dear sis, I hope u'll treasure mom's more as she's the only parent u have now.. u shouldn't make her worried.. she luvs u ok? u should go back to her..
well... u must've hated me since the day I came into the family.. but it won't change the fact that I used to admire u 4 who u r in the past.. but now.. I'm sorry.
all I hope is 4 u to be better.. I know it won't change anything even if u read this.. but still, all I want is 4 u to treasure mum.. u don't want to lose her like u lost dad right? I hope u will read this.. but I hope it won't be too late when u found out bout' this..
I'm sorry I can't convey all my thoughts n feelings here..
and I'm sorry 4 everything up till now...
though u hate me, I'll love u anyway.. so PLIZ forgive me..