
12 Reads

Bismillah Alrahman alrahim

An-Nawwas bin Sam'an (RA) narrated, ‘I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about virtue and sin and he replied, “The essence of virtue is (manifested in) good morals (Akhlaq) whereas sinful conduct is that which turns in your heart (making you feel uncomfortable) and you dislike that it would be disclosed to other people.”

(Muslim, Bulugh Al Maram, Vol. 16 Hadith 1239)

When we do something wrong we automatically feel guilty. That guilt itself is a blessing and some of us return to Allah right away asking for forgiveness, but many of us lose hope. We become consumed with our guilt and Satan convinces us not to return to Allah but HE IS WRONG! He has always been wrong and that guilt you feel is a sign for you to raise your hands and make duas to Allah. Don't ever lose hope .

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day and just before you go, say Alhamdulillah and start your day by earning blessings :)
