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Last night I had a dream I was singing on a stage in a rock band with a load of women saying, “WE DON’T WANT YOUR FREEDOM, WE WANT OUR OWN!”. So today I wrote down exactly what I wish would come true.

“I don’t want your freedom— I want my own. I want freedom from violence, rape and oppression. I want a revolution”.

I want change that will not be rescinded! I want change that will not still equate to men being treated above me. When will that new age happen? Any man that accepts advances that benefit himself, but disadvantage a woman is supporting of the patriarchy. That includes being paid more than a woman, even when all skill based assessments deem a woman just as capable. I suppose it all depends on when patriarchal men are willing to accept their own narcissism. I’ll keep writing, I’ll keep praying.

©️Lois Christina. Not my image.
Insta: @loischristinawrites

#revolutionist #misogyny #feminist #patriarchy #womensrights