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I'm here if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, if you feel like you need help or advice. We need to support each other.
Panic Attacks dont always have a trigger, it can happen out of no where, even when you are in a good mood and feeling that you are getting better it can hit you. I have been using THIS 5 4 3 2 1 THING it seems to work, when I feel like I'm loosing control, it takes my mind off the panic attack and helps me become aware of my surroundings. I hope sharing this also helps you. Panic disorders isnt easy to cope with, it isnt dangerous you cant die from it but It sure can make you feel like your going to die. If you have panic attacks often consider going to a specialist or doctor to get physical help or drugs. Follow me if you want, I will be posting more about mental health disorders. Comment what you think about these disorders and how you get through it.
#mentalhealth #disorder #selfbelieve #anxiety #depression #Care #warrior #strong