

An Introvert's Poem

I'm a little quiet. Perhaps a little shy
Being assertive enough, only to get by
Not stuck up. I just need my space
Not in the mood to talk. Please get out of my face
Now there are times I'm comfortable and fine
I will open my mouth, and speak my mind
Don't take my shyness for stupidity. That's just uncool
You'll make an ass out of yourself. A complete and total fool
No, I don't want to go to that party. That wouldn't be the highlight of my night
I'd rather stay home with a good book and maybe write
Sometimes I want to be alone with nothing much to say
But my mood will change day by day
I'm a little weird with a sensitive side
Only revealing myself to some, to others I will hide
This is who I am. Don't like it, then leave me be
I really don't care, because the best company is me
© daninicole76