

Art of communication

like and dislike are opposite words ,
But always applicable when you are in contact with someone,
Someone is good or bad
Nothing is written in the face .
Face is not the index of mind.
Mind is responsible for someone's liking or disliking -
Any person is judged how other person EGO is polished ,
when two persons are
communicating , their minds are also interacting with non verbal signals .
Body language is also part of the communication , no control is applicable, flow naturally .
There may be no filter to control the flow of words , just processed through past experience or influence of circumstances.
Response with prpoer words is not easy,
presence of mind and art of talking is gift of God.
Someone is talented by birth , others need training.
No one likes the words which are not smooth and sweet.
Matured are those who also gracefully accept criticism and do self introspection to check the defects.
Immatured are those who react instantly over criticism.
Communication is an art and could be a good indicator of person character.
It's difficult sometimes to listen what others are saying ,
Thursting own opinion to others is common disease,
Attitude can be judged when someone is communicating to others.
It's gift of God when we like the voice of some one.
With dislike , a good communicator may lose the attaintion of audiance.
when someone is angry , control over words are loosen,
When cool and no anxiety , words are selective and mostly appropriate.
When a political leaders are communicating , many others are following.
But when poor and needy are communicating, no one may be listening.
Let us connect body , mind , vision, past memories , attitude, character, knowledge of language, presence of mind, self confidence, self esteem , jealousy , kindness, etc

All are bond with wire for the deliverance of words in the chanel of communication
Defective Behaviour is like Cancer , difficult to cure.
Each one devloped own pattern of communication.
But winners are those who learn the art of communication and God gifted.

Last word is purity of mind if possessed , luky are those.

© flavour of life