

God is with us,because we accept His Son to be our Lord
Book entitled
the humble saw heaven
Written by:Apostle Bonifácio

Title:God is with us, because we accept His Son to be our Lord

Brethren,once again I greet y'all in the name above all names "Jesus-the humble King".

It feels like a letter which He writes through me but this is more than what I think,this is no longer a letter but "salvation from the Lord of life".

I am writing to encourage everyone who walks on the "way to everlasting life(Jesus the good Sheppard)" and to all those who are in need of knowing Messiah, that they may chase away some evil spirits which make them doubt the salvation which God grants.

I wrote to tell the lovely world that we already have the Lord in our midst,and we are enjoying being with Him,because He's the Lord who doesn't shout when the little ones break the glasses.

We had no money when we called the Lord to pay us a visit, we just had a faith that (He's the Lord who hears and that according to the book of Matthew 7:7-9 He would come to us for we called Him in faith,and He once said that "ask and it will be given to you") and one thing that we loved from "the Lord of life" is that when He came He just promised us the everlasting life,nothing about money,but everlasting joy.

We are who we are because of Him,that everything we are proud of, belongs to Him therefore as He came He taught us to stretch our hands and give the poor in faith not to build a fame.

What we have you can also have, if you are good enough to build a faith in your spiritual life.

Lord Jesus,lives and I am not just writing to bribe, but to save many souls,special those which Satan walks on.

Some of the blinded ones don't believe the existence of the Lord of life "Jesus the Saviour of the world", but it is true that He lives,i the writer have been with Him several times therefore I am glad to encourage you to build yourself a faith...It's true that the Son of God lives and that He saves,and also I ask you to share this "remedy of life" for many souls are in need of it.

Believe, and you will feel the hand of Lord Jesus Christ on your forehead,for He cares about all those who call Him in faith.

Son & the
Holy Spirit. Amen

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