

Wondering Eyes
With wondering eyes
I see what the world does not see
I see the you inside of me
I see the endless possibilities

To consume the utmost clarity
of what I thought I could never be
is the most amazing thing
You see
Inside the depths of my soul
I am yearning to see the true me

With wondering eyes
I take a deep look inside
I see a burning bright light
So bright it burns my eyes
Yet too far away
I begin to stray

I stray away to the darkness
I begin to see the light fading away
Away and away
Farther and farther it goes

Stop! Wait!
I need to see!
Which way do I go
Which way do I turn
I can't seem to learn

God will you please help me
Lead me to the light
I don't want to fall
I'm tired of hittiing walls
I just want to be able to see

The way of this world has turned away
We pretend to be who we want to be
Yet hate who we become in the making
Pulled every which way

I choose today
Not to turn away
To keep these wondering eyes
To my Master
To my King

I look to Him for the light
He says to "seek, and ye shall find"
Lord have mercy
Have mercy on me

Bring me to You
Bring me to eternity
For ever and ever
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