

The Last Rebellion
We have now come to a place we've never seen.
This dystopian world, no in between.
Anarchy and lack of reason.
No going back, this will last longer than a season.
I don't agree, I won't conform.
I won't agree to insanity, the new norm.
I will not be told what is right and wrong.
I know already, it's now being confirmed.

Death to the world.
A cycle is ending.
No remorse, no repenting.
To be mainstream and agree with the masses.
To follow the flock, the sheep sniff each other's asses.
A hive mind, a similar mentality.
Do what you want, stop police brutality.
The breakdown of civilization, a dire situation.

Yet this is no Rebellion, this is falling in line.
You can't think for yourself.
Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.
It's good for your health.
Yet we're sicker.
Mind, soul and body.
The swamp is getting thicker, nothing makes sense around me.

The real Rebellion.
You do what is right.
You think for yourself, think in black and white.
Cut and dry, no time for lies.
You render to Caesar, you pay the tax but only God can have my mind.
The State gets little more than a cut of my wages.
They are not the real authority.
This whole system is nothing less than slavery.
Our so called authority behaves abhorrently.
To be human and never submit is truth.
Be human and untie your noose.

© Figuro