

April comes forth in the year, a month of comfort.
April is the *FOURTH* month of the year, the month that *COMES FORTH* with *COMFORT*.

We have four cardinal points which connotes that the *COMFORT* will *COME FORTH* from all the four corners of this Earth, all you need to do is to;
Avoid being *NAUGHTY* when you navigate to the *NORTH*,don't be *SAD* when you surf to the *SOUTH*, be doing *WELL* when you get to the *WEST* and be *EASY-GOING* when you reach the *EAST*..

The only way you can locate your destination is to pickup your *MAP* and stop taking unnecessary *NAP*..
The password to open the door to your greatness is just four letter word, Yes!, You have *the* *"CODE"*, then *DECODE* that door and open it!...

Four words containing four letters that can change You;
The *PAIN* you can bear,
The things you *HEAR*,
The things you *LOOK* at and what your courage can *DARE*..Instead of doing April *FOOL*,why not plant trees to make April *COOL*..make your APRIL to be *REAL*!
