

Ode to the Moon
Dear moon,
were you once a lover?
Did you fall for the boldness and radiance of the sun?
Don’t tell me you did not.
I see how you still linger when he is around.
He pulls everything towards him, and his warmth envelops you.
Do you ever feel cold in the night sky?
Moon, are you lonely, even as you comfort others in their loneliness?
Perhaps your children the stars do not comfort you,
for they are many,
but they are scattered and distant.
Perhaps you are ashamed of your craters,
not knowing your beauty,
not knowing the way the world reveres you.
Are we beautiful to you as well?
Does it comfort you to look down on us?
I think I would like to see humanity from afar as small pinpoints of light.
Dear moon, forget about the sun.
You fade to be near him, and love never requires fading.
As queen of the night, reign in luminescence.
I will be looking upward to meet your gaze.

© katiewrites