

Great Uncle
Storms of melancholy covered in the guise of humor
Guilt-ridden showers march on and spread like a tumor
A second father figure abruptly taken by life’s cruel timing
You planned to see us at our weddings, but some force took you and left us crying

In the trenches of my darkness, I thought we had strayed apart
For it was in my suffering, I began to close my heart
But now when I find myself getting better I can only wish that you were here
To see me take flight and finally face my fears

But I know better, it is only wishful thinking
Amongst my tearless eyes and thousand yard blinking
So why must I feel like I’m giving only an eighth of an emotion?
When all our lives it wasn’t a fraction, not a tenth, but your care given as infinite as the oceans?

Despite everything, I place my desiderata in the universe and send it among the stars
So when we look up at the October sky, you will be watching us wherever you are
© Michael Kevin Olegario