

Will I?
Stepping into unfamiliar shoes, uncertain and unsure,
Will they embrace my being, or simply feel obscure?
If they do fit snugly, will the owner reclaim what's theirs,
Leaving me stranded, heart exposed, vulnerable to tears?

As I wear my heart upon my sleeve, beating with desire,
I teeter on the precipice, unsure if I'll soar or expire.
Fear cloaks me like a dense cloud, veiling my sight,
Obscuring the truth, filling my mind with shadows of fright.

Yet, in this hazy uncertainty, a glimmer of hope ignites,
Perhaps this path I tread will be illuminated by vibrant lights.
With determination, I chase dreams and reach toward the sun,
Determined to embrace the future, not knowing if I've won.

Will I grasp the crown of my aspirations, powerful and bold?
Or will fear continue to grip me, keeping me in its hold?
Though the journey is steep, I won't let trepidation bring me down,
For it's my inner strength and resolve that will make me renowned.


© Petronella V Nhire