

Lady Karma
Etch not unto her pliant flesh,
Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,
She bears your atrocities,
With silent rage,
Waiting to unleash her wrath in your face.
She watches in silence as you come again,
A reluctant itch in her lip, it's time to pull the reins.
You fooled around too much in the name of luck,
But she keeps the account so relive everytime you had to defend and every moment you had struck.
There she is, Lady Karma, with her whips and blades.
Here to reward you what's been owed to her by fate.
To avenge every scar she had to carry to remember the balance.
And to redeem the innocent while she punishes the wrongdoers with her talons.
Why do you fear now after relishing the deed?
Recieve your bit in order to learn, in order to be freed.

© Samiksha Kemwal

#WritcoQuote #writcopoem #poem #writers #WritcoCommunity #Motivation #karma #REVENGE