

Kasoa Broken 💔

I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it? The pain... the crying... the anguish, when will they stop? It’s as if there is someone behind me using a spear through my core. Can't even breathe. What’s all this?

After all that I’ve invested, put up, and nurtured….is that my dividend? The hustle and bustle I’ve gone through - all has come to naught. The “Maame O Dendees”, “The Asaanas”, “The Ayigbe Toffees” and the like have all gone done the drain. It’s like I’m daydreaming. Really?

Hmmm, what is life? Mese, what is love? Ky3 de3 me de b3ky3 O but can't stop thinking. It's hurting…crashing…and weakening. Maybe, I should take it like that. After all, there is more life to live. Ehe (It's well)

© King Bill Hughes