

Dilated passion
And in that darkness I still felt her unworldly love. Cooling my heart with the memory of her smile. Her slow eyes, casting prayers into my heart. The quiet close of her eyes, like a waterfall frozen from gravity. Full of life, a perfect song eternally playing, scored in the symphony of our souls. I could see her eyes through dreams, stars racing across a abyss of thought. Every zodiac of passion was layed into her eyes. She held a universe there. A creation of love. Every day I looked in her eyes. I embraced those moments, where I was her sun. Her light. Craving for more. Her eyes opened with the day, not before and not after; exactly with the day. As if night would not release its ghost of beauty and the sun would not Phoenix in brilliance without her to shine upon; and look, into her eyes.
© Ernesto De La Pena III