

A War Against Monsters
I feel rage pouring from my soul, sadness of what the world is becoming and scared to say my true feelings towards the people I truly despise. It's time though... time for me to kill you with my words, drown you with my peoms and to tell all my stories. I see it... the gift of speech, many of us possess it, but choose to tape their mouths fearful of what will happen. I am a happiness warrior, from my own Harrold Clan. I bare scars and may speak of what sadness I keep deep within my heart. But, I am angry at this world full of monsters. I see you, the monsters that are behind me, in my home and out their killing peoples' souls. I hope my words find you, knowing that there's a person here who truly desires your punishment. To show the world your monstrous deeds, to show them that we will find you and drown you with the words we possess. Though, negativity begets negativity, so we'll speak of our experiences and what we've been through. To show the souls out there that have been through the same or even worse, and to find the ones that have been hurt by the monsters so they may smile again. A happiness warrior for my sake and for others, I won't possess this false strength anymore. I will ask for help when I need it and I will share my experiences so that my heart may heal. Beware monsters, the Harrolds are coming to put you all behind bars.
© Process-12