

sometimes I wonder
I wonder

who would I've been
without my borderline personality
what kind of life would I've lived
what would my teenage years have looked like
how easy could it have been to grow up

I wonder
who I would be today

who would I be
if I had been able
to make my decisions regardless of my fears
if I had been able
to end toxic relationships
instead of being stuck in them
out of fear of loss
out of the feeling to be incomplete
without someone else
if I had been able
to live a self-determined life
instead of giving myself up for someone else
if I had been able
to love and respect myself

I'm really happy and thankful for who I am today
and I know that all those choices
I've made in the past
- even the bad ones -
have led me to that wonderful life
I'm living and loving now

just sometimes
I wonder

© SunflowerPoetry