

Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

....blurry, faint. Without color. Outlines living what would become memoirs of my prefabricated soul. Faded and thin. Slowly, slower until no movement appears in my mind. A flicker and wave, unrecognizable, gone after a second. Much as our life together, or rather at least one side of the screen. Monochromatic episodes, I chose to relive. Knowing the ending and still thinking it would have a new finale. Once my prestine heart and abstract mind held a universe where your orbit circled me. Neverending, cosmos stories were in your eyes. Reading them, hearing the voice of all stars, that now only shine, against a missing scene of black and white, like tears in the night... monochromatic. Library of an angel, no literature to remember us. Now, snow without the passion of December drifts throughout the void where we once stood. When it mattered; not as a memory, not as a past, not as a prayer that I would ask. Not as dream or a faint good bye, I remember the tears, before I could cry. You brought the whispers before I could speak, you held my hand before I could reach, before colors could change in Autumn rain , before the sunlight was cast on Eden's first day. I remember your pulse before my heartbeat, I remember your lips before you kissed me. No tones of life, blood had cooled, a monochromatic hue. I can still feel your arms around me, I still feel the warmth that your embrace had brought me. I never forget the twilight of December, nor the shadows dancing from July embers. I remember the way you silenced my fears, a rhythm of tones before I could hear, I remember my name before I was born, and how I missed you saying it before it was torn. I remember the night, and how many times I cried, I remembered everything when you said good bye....leaving darkness closing around the last light of how I saw you. Monochromatic.
© Midian