

It was this girl named Emily her boss told her too go to assignment and she was so excited because she was a rookie coming from a small town in Brooklyn she just want to make her family proud black woman how do her own thing in the world so where is she got the assignment from her boss she packed her bags got a couple drinks with our friends before she left say bye to her mom and dad this is her big break her mom and dad said we proud of you so she hit the road long drive to Texas so why she was driving she gets a phone call for my dad almost a mile away where she needs to go Dad telling her to be careful and telling her how much he loves her so she got off the phone with her dad the drive was long a cup of hotels she went to sleep in before she got to where she needed to go when she got there she parked her car into parking lot she noticed it wasn't not a lot of people around a lot of people with scared so she get where she needed to go she had to the house did the people told her about before she got there but she did it car she needed the money so when she got into the house she got her stuff equipment and she started putting her camera into each room where they said people died and other people that live there got killed this guy told her long time ago these people staying in the house where she was at now they was a invite people into their house for dinners find out they were killing them and feeding their bodies disform child the child world up star again bully because the way he looked so one day in the woods the child was with the other kids and the other kids were bullying him throwing rocks at him so he snapped and kill the kids start showing everybody in the village so he ran back to his mom house his mom put him in the basement people came and throw the fire into the house killed the mom they couldn't find a boy. So she's sleeping in the new house they build over it she is taking notes in the house the next morning so she hears something strange outside so she looks she serious man looking at her the man I got a mask covering his face so she couldn't see him only a little so she rolled her eyes think is Her Mind Playing Tricks on her as she opened her eyes he disappear so she think it is nothing and she goes by her day that night we heard something downstairs while she sleeping she goes down there with a bat as she's walking down the stairs she sees the shadow as she creep around the corner she sees the man dare and he attacks her she started swinging she hits him on the leg he goes down she's running out the door he's chasing her he grabs her knocks her out she wakes up inside this creepy house where she sees people heads on the wall Blood and Guts everywhere and she looks around the room she sees the man cutting up dead people bodies as he laughs all creepy she has a chain on her leg she sees a broken glass right by the bed as she reached for it she hears the police by the door knocking as the monster goes downstairs she grabbed a knife I put it in her pocket ask the police knock the police saying let's go it's nothing and walking down the stairs the monster kill 2 police took their car put it in the back set it on fire as the monster look at the fire for a couple minutes and walk back to the house after woman try to escape she didn't notice the monster was walking back up the stairs she put the knife back in her pocket the monster grabbed her and put her on the table she was just laying there ask the monster grab something she grabbed the knife out of her pocket stuck it in his eye the same one he put down father use on her she kept stabbing him as she started to run the monster eye was leaking out blood she Rush seen a old gun as you put the bullets into the old guy scared for her life the monster getting up she points the gun to the monster shoots him as he drops she runs too the Street as she heading down the road all bloody monster chasing her limping it's a car coming ups