

I wait.
I wait for the delicious food,
being cooked in the other room,
standing by til it is done,
and distracting myself with some fun.

I wait.
I wait for the rain to come,
patiently drifting in front of the Sun,
bringing water to the plants below,
and helping the rivers to flow.

I wait.
I wait for my undeserved victory,
though it yells into my face with such clarity,
that I have done nothing for it to be mine,
just sitting idly and passing my time.

I wait.
I wait for the torment of love to find me,
for it to kill my core and psyche,
and I’m letting it seep through my blood,
flowing through all of it til it’s just mud.

I wait.
I wait for my sweet songs to fall onto my lips,
expecting them to write their own lyrics,
and I’d sing them with all of my heart,
but all of my sweet songs have fallen apart.

I wait.
I wait for the pleasure of life to fall onto my laps,
for I don’t know when I have felt it last,
I search for it each night all over my room,
but my room stands hollow in it the Moon,

And I wait.
I wait for my final day to come,
on this wrecked Earth my life was just one,
maybe what I awaited waited for me as well,
And that delicious food I can still smell.

And I just wait.

© anaelmallory