

Stolen Innocence
She smiled at everyone,
Even strangers,
She would wave,
Even if she didn't know you,
She said things like,
Thank you and yes please,
No thank you and pardon me,
She had a smile,
That warmed and welcomed,
Friends and strangers alike,
For she treated each the same,
The way she wished to be treated.

She could change a tire on her own,
Even the oil,
Change a lightbulb and fix a cabinet,
She knew a lot,
Yet none of it would prepare her,
No she could mow the grass,
Lay tile in her bathroom,
Change her car breaks,
Paint the garage,
Build a fence,
But none of it would help,
Not this time.

She Knew all the tasks a man had to do,
She could complete them,
Without breaking a sweat,
She could even make lemonade,
After all that,
When shewas done,
Yet it would do her no good.

No It wasn't her fault,
She did not cause this,
This was not her doing,
She did not make him touch her,
She did not beg for him,
No pleaded for her life,
Pleaded for him to stop,
She even promised not to say anything,
But none of that mattered,
He was a savage animal,
Who wanted to taste her blood,
She wanted to run,
She wanted to cry,
She wanted them to stop,
But they wouldn't,
Her voice it wouldn't come,
Everything became a blurr.

The drink,
Oh what was in the drink,
It made everything pixelated and fuzzy,
She tried to talk,
But her mouth wouldn't move,
Her tongue tasted of sulfur,
Her heart leapt,
She wanted to hide.

She had never known true fear,
Not until this moment,
When she started down the barrel,
Of a loaded revolver,
Six bullets in the chamber.

She wanted to scream,
Get off me,
Get your filthy hands off of me,
But no words came,
But a hallow empitness and ache came,
A pain,
She will never forget,
A scar she will always carry,
She will always hide.

Their hands clawed ruthlessly at her body,
Stripping her of her clothes,
She wanted to cover her body,
To hide it,
Hot and painful tears burned like acid,
As they fell from her eyes,
The embarrassment she felt,
The way they groped her breasts,
Touched her body like it was theirs to have,
The angry it flowed through her,
Gushing like a mean river.

They had belts,
That they used,
To keep her arms still,
To do the same to her legs,
She gasped for a breath,
It came in choked,
She promised herself then,
For stealing her Innocence,
She vowed she would get them back.

© @DestinySnyder