

It's plain to see as day and night,
To me; this no more is a fight.

I can't take it anymore,
All these beatings have left me sore.

Can't you see how much I've already bled,
The wounds you leave everytime are deep indeed.

Please let me be, I don't wanna retort.
I can't bear it, even with remorse.

I'm grinding my teeth, it's hard not to cry.
But you keep assaulting my emotions, no matter what I try.

Free me; for my soul will break apart in this prison.
Let me be happy sometimes, without any reasons.

Can't you see sometimes that it's hard to breathe.
Under your cruel gaze, I'm burned to beath.

This impassion of yours is no longer my concern.
If this truth causes you pain, so shall it be done.
© The Mirage