

Those night battles you fought
the"am ok" lies you told,they bought
All the times you gave it all you  got
Those boulders
you carried on your shaking shoulders
All the pain no one saw
All those times pretending to be something you're not
Those smiles that were fake
those times your heart ache
Those times you couldn't even cry
Those times you were too tired to try
those times you just wanted to die
Those times you had no friend but foe
Those times you wanted to let go
on your own you pushed this far
with your smile,you hid your scar
you alone carried the weight
you alone, Beared a pain that was great
you're hurt,but no one knows how deep
no one knows,you find it hard to sleep
No one hears the nights you weep
No one knows the hurt you keep
you fought
you gave it all you got
I know it feels like the pain has only begun
but One day it will all be gone
On day you'll move on
But be happy,cause so far you've won
