

My Self

On peeping into my self
I see an unseen battle
Is being fought everyday,
One to conquer me.
Between my new mutated version
And the older one.
As a day passes by
I watch the mutated one to gain
Control over me bit by bit.

Filling my every vessel with rage,
Anger, revolt and hatred,
Crushing my so loved lovable heart♥️,
Killing my kindness, austerity and turning
My warm red peace making 💓 heart
To a cold dull mere pump.

Every now and then the weak, lingering
Old me fights back.
But never makes it way to the surface,
As it gasps and pants and again returns
Back to the bottom of my heart wishing
To win the battle some day.

I fear, that someday might not come .
As I would slowly change into the 😈 devil,
Killing all my humanity, becoming what I
Hated the most.

Yes! I am changing,
But not exactly the way I wanted,
But the way the mean world wants me to.

Up till the day I shall fight,
Not knowing up to when
Can I resist!!!

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