

Sun Kissed Zombie
In a dark room,
I lay on my bed,
Hundred thousand thoughts,
Running in my head.

Too depressed to wake up,
Too lazy to move,
I gathered some courage,
And signaled my legs to move.

Like a zombie,
I took a few steps,
Extended my hands,
To balance myself,
To not fall over,
As my head was heavy,
With the thoughts of yesterday.

As I walked towards the balcony,
And opened the door,
I caught the sun staring,
Deep in my hollow soul.

It shone some light,
On the dead body of mine.
My hands lowered,
My head straight,
As hundred thousand thoughts,
Escaped from my skull.

As I opened my eyes,
The bright rays entered through my retina,
The neurons started firing,
The mind started decoding,
The secret message of light.

As all the sensory organs revived,
I finally saw colors after a long time,
Felt the soft touch of sun rays on my pale skin,
Heard the birds chirping,

As the message finally decoded,
My dead mind still couldn't understand,
But my light-filled soul did.

It took control of the vocal cords,
As my mind tuned the auditory senses,
Eager to hear the secret message,
I finally uttered,
"I'm Alive."
© ChazzyTheSlayer