

How do I rekindle my passion?
How do I get my own attention?
How can I stop myself from comparing?
When I look at their work; it is so beautiful and inspiring.

Unlike mine, who is lacking.

Tell me, do I need to run?
Why have I lost my fun?
Give me an answer, anything!
This lack of inspiration is saddening!

I am so disappointing.

I feel like a failure,
Lost in the ocean, like a drunk sailor-
Knowing not where he or she is,
And the treasure is a hit or miss.

I'm a lost soul...maybe.

But, I want to force myself to go,
I am not satisfied with things that are slow,
I don't have the time nor the place-
I want to make haste!

Life is pretty short.

I want to rekindle this fire,
I do not want to ever tire,
Fan my flames and do it well,
Until I hear death ring my bell.

Ye, hear me! Oh spirit of mine!
I want to continue and stay in my line-
Walking forward, marching towards my goal,
Let all of my words be tattooed in my soul!

Rekindle me! Rekindle me!
Life is too short, you see!
I do not have all the time in the world,
And there are a lot of things life has hurled.

It is not only my passion that I think about,
I do not want everything to go south,
Poor, poor me cannot handle all the problems life throw at me,
This passion of mine is the only thing keeping me be...

So, hear me- I know, I am repeating,
I want to feel again this something!
While I am alive,
I still want to thrive!

Rekindle in me, the fire.

- AisieDL