

The Delusional Septembre

I've known you for a year, feels like forever.
don't you worry, I'll put the blame on fate and let you go.

but honey love is about oceans and skies.
it's blue, unconditional and infinite.
but then every reason turned into an excuse and talks into arguments.
darling, you took it all wrong, what made you this ruthless?

we used to talk about courage and chasing
nevermind, lies always sound sugar sweet.
you are admirable and everything I wished
only if the bus I took to meet you would have been missed.

I remember your warm hands slipping through the gaps of my fingers.
with every tear rolling down my cheeks, comforted your words and sparkled your perserverance.

the strings of affection I weaved, while you messed it all.
what was so difficult, or wasn't I enough?
the cafe lights, the beautiful evenings and your pretty face.
my problems, your solutions and an overall grid of simplicity and complexes.

you would be glad to know, I don't run away anymore.
but trust me, facing it all shatters me into pieces and soul.
September end it was, everything seemed to be fading.
the illusions and reality collided and born was sheer pain and hurt.

but don't you worry, I'll put the blame on the fate and let you go.
cause you've builded courage within me and I shall rise despite all the broken pieces and soul.

© s.r.m