

a forest of colors
all sorts of trees
strewn around leaves
I’ve been here forever
or is that just how it seems?
at times I feel so lucky to be here
but sometimes I want to be elsewhere
away from these towers of darkness
I’m scared I’ll trip on the branches
I don’t want to fall
if only I wouldn’t be here at all
I love all the sun and appreciate the shade
I enjoy each night watching the light fade

time and time again, I ponder the thought
I reflect and look back at how much I fought
I’ve been here so long
loneliness so strong
I seize to see the beauty
no more do I feel serene
no longer do I take in each breathtaking scene

I try to find my way
and trace my steps back to my original place
I’m hopless and confused
stressed anxious and bruised
I’m just lost I reassure myself
I’ll find my way out
there’s surely a way out
though slowly I’m beginning to doubt
I realize
I’m stranded and I’m stuck
what poor fortune and luck
the only way is through
how? I haven’t got a clue
I remain,
the pitiful human