

Staying late Awake..

Eye wider open in screen
hidding the best possible from mom
alone in room does a chance,
a snuggle of smile in my lips
my heart soaked a lot,

the way we flirt,
took away our designations to be friends,
the will of fear doesn't offers us to
to relationship...
we had a good chemistry in chat,
to connect a firationship!

Time Zone blamed,
far away apart, I miss you a lot
My Crush in you broke down,
and you became a daily knocking obsession!

As the Winter of November tonight never made me chill,
but your comment of midnight soaked me to pneumonia of high pitch!

I hope we were brave enough to embrace,the love of us
to embody is to embold the best within us!

I wish in my dreams, I'll traverse a world of us
going date at nights
walking out to the nearest lake,
I wish I would let you say how much my eyes express seeing you in words...

staying late awake for you
is different,
I keen my blankets to wrap,
I wish I would go grab you on me,
right now...

#AzureSky 💙

© AzureBlue