

I Want You Back
I am scared to admit to myself and anyone else that I want you back
Because you have already moved on and I am not the fighting type but I think that the day that you walked out of my life,  I may have died

 Because you took along parts of me that I needed to live, like my heart and my soul.
I feel like an empty body walking around,  I have no home,  you were my home.

 So now I'm homeless and hopeless that I will ever find a love like ours- the kind of love that mirrors the depths of the ocean and the heights of the tallest mountains. 

 I  am ashamed of being such a coward to not have begged you to stay because my pride got in the way.
But where is my pride now today?
when I'm curled up in a ball in a corner hiding in the darkness and cursing at my weakness and at the same time missing your sweetness

My eyes won't stop leaking because of the simple fact
That I can't stop loving  you and I want you back.

© thatweirdislandgirljm