

She woke up again,
still alive,
Just thinking about her schedule scares her.
She sat up rolled up her sleeves
exposing her skin.
She picked her favorite razor and pressed it in.
It made her feel great,alive and it helps her deal with stress.
The pain calms her down.
she kept lying when asked about her stitches
I fells down,I hit my hand was always her reply.
She kept lying that she's fine whereas she felt awful,
Those scars won't heal.
Then one day,she cut an artery and bleed to death.

I get you don't wanna commit suicide but what happens when you cut an artery?????

Stop inflicting pain on yourself
Don't cut your arm
Don't slit your wrist
Don't say goodbye
Put down the razor
It may be hard but you'll win this fight if you don't give up.

Instead of inflicting pain on yourself, share others pain.

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