

My My My
Starting the Trek from the grasslands,
Mine are the brown short grass,
Oh you didn't get it right,
I am asking your fingers to walk
From my hair on to forehead,
Walk into the plains that are rock surfaced,
But be aware, the rocks are sensitive to
Wet tongue and soft kisses,
Can you see those two orbs,
They are the entrances to my brain,
What I see decides what I choose,
So be wise and be at your best,
Join a gym and be in shape,
Because not only my hands
Or my thighs, but also eyes
Squeeze the body they like.
Oh travelling down on one finger
On the nose as you reach the upperlip,
I am already trembling with anticipation,
Smoothly slowly circle around and
Let me sip and bite that finger
And then in pain you will cover
My lips with your lips and
Suck on me hard, let the tongues
Play their own games, ahhhhhh
Dont close your eyes,
I want to see that pelasure not only
On face but deep in your eyes.
As you slowly travel down my chin
And my neck, nape and nibble my ears
I will cooooo with pleasure,
Its my zone, linger a little more there,
Let your hand travel along my side
And slowly at my hip,
Pinch my love handle a little,
As I push my pelvis towards you,
Ahhhh... the naughty you,
You are up and pulsating to
Escape front those robes,
You will have to wait till my
Naughty itches are satisfied.
As your hand travel up below my
Tea shirt, and my stomach knots,
My breath is struck
Can you please hurry now
And stop slipping your finger
Under my bra strap and just
Grab my lemons,
And yes, lift my tea and with your
Teeth touch my nipples

Now there is someone at the door
Let me continue later
Remind me OK

© Siren