

Reshuffle My Deck
Where have I gone

Where am I

You ask

I might just be lost

In my head again

Every time it seems it gets harder and harder

To pull me back though

As if it's my own personal hell

Wishing I could be free

Each time I arrive

Wondering what will it take

For these chains

To finally release me

Now knowing I will always be

My own worst enemy

No one can possibly help me

So don't offer me your hand

Didn't you hear me screaming

I have to do the saving

I'll save my own poor soul

Unless there's too much of a toll taken

All I want is to truly feel again

Be real again

Actually, feel like me again

I can't seem to understand

How pain can be overwhelming me

At the same time numbness overtaking me

Watching the world play out around me

While I'm feeling this darkness

That's holding on way too tightly

Asking the sky for forgiveness

Could I possibly get another chance

May I place these cards back

Reshuffle my deck

And deal me another hand

© SarahAbell
