

The Never-ending-disguise

Sometimes I see this body.
As a never-ending-disguise
Nobody can see
What lies behind

Strong emotions and deep thinking
could even sense that?
By sitting and breathing

A peaceful state
At the same time
Feeling nothing
And feeling everything

Am I making progress?
Or am I staying behind?
I don't know.
But I don't feel bad.

Like everything around me
Has a new life
Noticing more than before
But the outside doesn't matter anymore.

Nobody can see my inner state.
From outside
But I can observe it.
Even better than before

What is this feeling called?
Does it even have a name?
Does anybody feel the same?

because it feels like a frame
Around my physical body
Not letting anything harm me
Not letting anything drive me insane

Feelings are not something
Seen from outside
But most of the time
They are hidden deep inside

Happy dreams
And waves of depression
peaceful states
With all my being

feelings that can't be described

People looking at me
With thoughts I can't identify
Do they like me?
Or just my never-ending-disguise

© DenisTelemaris