

A letter To My Future Self
Dear Me,
How I long to have a glimpse into your world.
Is your present, My future,
Everything we'd dreamed?

Do you still lay awake,
Late into the night, dreaming of all the great things you'll do,
Or have you begun to do these greats already?
Do you still gush with delight,
When you see a delectable cuisine?

Do you make time for people,
Do you comfort your friends when they are in pain,
Are you still dorky,
Are you moved to tears when you see the suffering of others?

Do you still,
As I do now,
Burn with a passion so relentless,
To make this world a better place for all to live in?
The future here seems so bleak.
Were you able to make something out of your struggles?

Even as I ask all these,
I know I won't get an answer.
Well, not now anyway.
These are questions I'll have to answer for myself,
As I grow into you, what you've become.

So I promise myself,
Here and now, on this cold and starry night,
I'll keep pushing,
Keep learning,
Keep caring,
As I grow, not only by myself,
But with others as well.

Yours Ever,

© Ese-Ose