

What if
The day turns to night
like a butterfly within its cocoon.
As people frantically scurry
through the streets in an attempt
to reach their fortresses of solitude.
When a person reaches out
to a stranger and says;
may I have a quarter to buy some food?
Without a moment's thought
of how long this creature
had been trying to fulfill itself
I dramatically said no!
Although I had an abundance of change.
As I reached my castle
a question pierced my mind for days
like a spear being angrily thrown
to mame someone.
What if I were hungry
with nowhere to go?
Would I want someone
to help me,
or care?
So I moved with a purpose
back to the place of contact
only to find that it was to late.
The television crew found the person
before i.
In a pose that would be becoming
to any King or Queen
no longer breathing.
At that moment,
once again I thought;
What if?

© X Poet