

The dream you share has some qualities of mine,
my aim,time and stripes
are of a million dime

looking at the streets of Fiji, Cuba, Jamaica and Africa as
an inspiration to how great
i can create a blade of brain
in the braid of the bald.

My whole dream is not worth a dollar but the zeal and perseverance to achieve it, is
worth a billion pound of gold

No orphan should feel parentless, No disability will
be a disabled and no oppression will operate but
where could this be found in the beauty of bounties
this is what every kinpin of
my brain fights me on each day of my life.

The reaching of high hights is heaped on the hope of a hole of an endless bottom.

oh my dreams, how i wish i could have been a Supreme adventure to the hive of this
exciting dream but wisdom
has its wis and the dom has escaped ,so as justice and freedom, yes justice has its way but freedom as well has free leave its dom and the world is doomed.
My dream lives and achieving
it is not Impossible so am possibly imposed on posts of hope and help.

My dream is here here to stay and the world will be free regardless.
@Riyadh Olarf