

Cure for life ?
Let's start this somewhere,

Am i living in vain?
Chronic anxiety,
Pain body,
Endless desires,
What a misery?
Am crumbling down,
Shattered into pieces,
How do i pick up myself,
Show up the resilience?

Never got the lover i desired,
Never got the guardian i dreamed,
A perpetual loop of sufferance,
An emptiness after each gain,
Each accomplishment is fleeting,

Life will end for all of us,
Lying somewhere morbid,
Counting moments forward to death,
Mere bones,
Turned into ashes,
Do i even hold a value ?

Am I living in vain,
On a polluted earth,
Sustainability at the brink,
With difficult people and politics,
Deceit and treason,
Disdain and scorn,

Tired of having a heart full of desires,
With each fulfillment,
This heart yearns for more,
A bottomless vessel,
A futile existence,
Tired of chasing dreams,
Tired of being Called out an underacheiver,
Tired of life's trials and tests,

Even after tasting wisdom,
I find myself,
In a dumb loop,
Of dreaming

© cacti