

From ember to inferno, fire reigns supreme,
A tempest of destruction, a primal dream.
Its red-hot tendrils snake and twist,
Consuming all in its relentless blitz.

Brimstone breath and flickering tongues,
A siren song in its fiery lungs.
With zeal and ferocity, it devours,
Leaving ash and ruin in its wake for hours.

And yet, in its wildness, there's a beauty rare,
Like dancing flames, a primal, epic affair.
A glowing aura, a mesmerizing trance,
An art form hailed in rage and chance.

In every ember, a memory lurks,
Of ancient triumphs, or sorrow that lurks.
An elemental force, both friend and foe,
A keeper of secrets, a madman's show.

Fiery passion and fury entwine,
In a destructive dance, both fierce and divine.
A wonder wrought by nature's might,
A complex paradox, a deadly delight.

So let us marvel and be in awe,
Of the force that burns with neither shame nor flaw.
A symbol of power, a guiding light,
Fire, the element that conquers the night.
© dougienever