

walking down your state
Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length,

she'd collected little nothing's along the way. pieces of iron and screws and wire.
sandpaper 2 or three pennies and an empty backpack.
her mind was both in longing for her first sights success and a little bit upset.

worry clothes her bones like an armor against others words thoughts and intentions.
even still, worry is worry.

her bones chattered when she remembered the cold. she was almost outside of town. one long stretch and a city to cross and then the next inside battle.

'I love you enough to let you go.
...but I can't let you go.'

cars raced by with their blackened oil smells and lingering electric vibrations that footprints music or the radio they listened to.

I sang. found a walking stick and a few nothing's for a loved one I'd hope to deliver.
'i almost prefer the walking.'
if I didn't miss him so damn much.

the beating of longing had raped my soul, wrapped it's wiry strong fingers around my throat. grew vocal chords and taunted me.

muy consado not. each breath breathe for you. each step closer to. and what would I do when I get there...

I hope my composure reins itself in. you make me a living moment. flit by , like a lot firecracker . like mastery in childish laments.
as if I'd never grown into my boots or shook another's hand.

I pretend none is around and if they are I don't consider their daily battles.

I scream and yell and throw off warm shoulders. if they ve hurt you, to them I grow closer.

one day. you'll tell me what to do.
one day. I listen.

© chorus chrubble