

Echoes of conquest

Upon the fields of Hastings, in days of old,
A tale of conquest and bravery was told.
1066, the year it marked in time,
When Normans and Saxons met in battle's chime.

King Harold, the Saxon, with crown on head,
Stood strong to defend his land widespread.
But William the Conqueror, from Normandy's shore,
Had plans to claim England, forevermore.

With banners unfurled and armies arrayed,
The clash of cultures on that fateful day.
Normans with armor, disciplined and keen,
Saxons with valor, defending their dream.

Arrows soared high in the sunlit sky,
As both sides fought hard, no retreat, no deny.
Harold's forces stood firm on Senlac Hill,
While William's knights charged with a thunderous thrill.

The battle raged on, a brutal affair,
Swords met shields with a resounding glare.
Harold's forces held steady and true,
But fate had a twist, a different hue.

A well-aimed arrow, a turn of fate's hand,
Struck Harold down where he made his stand.
With their leader fallen, the Saxons gave ground,
And William's Normans pressed forward, unbound.

Harold's reign ended on that Hastings' field,
As Normandy's banner was proudly revealed.
The Conqueror's victory, history's turn,
England was changed, and lessons were learned.

1066 forever etched in the annals of time,
The Battle of Hastings, a rhythm and rhyme.
A clash of cultures, a kingdom's embrace,
A pivotal moment, shaping England's grace.

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