

Echoes in the Depths
I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child,
What’s it trying to tell?

The air was thick, the walls so tight,
Shadows danced in the dim light.
The child stood there, alone and still,
Its presence sent a sudden chill.

I called out softly, "Are you lost?"
Its eyes met mine, so deeply crossed.
No words it spoke, just silent tears,
A mirror of my hidden fears.

The well went deeper, far below,
Where secrets slept, where shadows grow.
The child reached out, its hand so small,
In that dark, I felt it call.

Why was it here, in this dark place?
What story lingered on its face?
A tale of sorrow, or a plea,
A part of something inside me?

In that moment, time stood still,
The air grew calm, the night less chill.
The child then smiled, a gentle glow,
A light of hope began to show.

And as I woke from that deep well,
I pondered on what it tried to tell.
Perhaps a sign to face my fears,
And find the light beyond the tears.
© keya biswas