

The Woman With Choices
A thin line in between,
Neither can be touched nor seen.

She wanted to let go but also meant to stay.
If it's the light for the pious then would the sinners walk away?

Says "Doomed can't be saved."
Is it of a distant memory to have us enslaved?

Tell her what to choose, she's stuck in an endless loop,
One wrong move and she had to deal with the fruit.

Some long ago, when a girl made a wrong choice,
Her heart said the truth but what lied was the voice.

A sinned soul who seeked for repentance,
Repented for a home, hope and an escape from death sentence.

A moment with herself and she's already confused,
Two choices, one person and an answer to choose.

A light illuminated for hope and faith while the other consumed,
Still say the liers that "Saved can't be doomed."
Poet's Note: ( For those who doesn't understand the meaning) : This poem is about a woman who was left with two choices, either to be consumed by darkness or seek light of repentance and hope. Some orthodox peoples had said that "Those who were doomed can't be saved." which left a bad image on her for repentance until one day her heavily sinned soul decided to repent for her cause. Now, as in the present, she had only two choices that would either ruin her life or make it better.
© Fifa 🦋