

Titleless Poem By @the_digital_scribbler
I shall run, and run I shall,
To riverbeds where waters hastily swell,

I was born to be free, free from tame,
I am the free spirit you shan't claim,

I shall run with the spirits of the wind,
Exists no lasso nor post to which I stay pinned,

I shall prance with pride and neigh with majesty,
I am the heir to mother nature's dynasty,

I shall frolic pastures and canter at free will,
I shall bask come sun and brave winters chill,

I can sense the very being that once was....
Now your saddle, tormented with scars,

I shall not have stirrups dig into me!
I shall break away from this martyrdom destiny,

I am the dust underneath my very hooves,
I echo the embodiment of my ancestral tombs,

I am the ethereal spirit of the uncharted land,
I am wild, wild enough to remain unmanned,

With all your might futilely wasted upon me,
Thou shall never capture nor claim a spirit so free.

© @the_digital_scribbler