

Pleasure of Sleeplessness

With everything that life has to offer,
There's so much to be enjoyed,
But the pleasures of sleeplessness I suffer,
Is the one I cannot avoid.

Tiny little hands that rubs on me
playfully nudging and poking fingers
my eyes half-open denies to wake up
my sleepless eyes shed drops of tears.

With a ruthless rub, I manage to open
finding the little one caress her empty tummy
feeding her in the middle of night and
wish her to feel asleep with her mummy

Things never match to what we expect
The little one keeps her tiny eyes open
My fingers caress her head and play with hair
Making her giggle and sleep broken

With this best gift that life has given me
I keep smiling even in accute pain
The sleepless nights and tiring days
Showers on me a joyous rain

Lovely those moments will last no long
As she grow up to a matured being
I adore her childhood, mischievous games
That keeps my mind on a constant ring.

© purple_ink