

You're never alone
I pray for that little lady in despair;
She reaches out to You in prayer,
Wanna know if she can count on you
But isn't sure if you're really there.
Can you hear, are you really there?

There's so much struggles and troubles
To doubt the existence of happiness:
So much pain to last a lifetime,
And some say you're the God who takes
Our hurts and heals the wounds.
We just need more than talk- proofs

So I'm still hurting and you've got all the power,
Heard you could make it all go away, be over
You could make everything over.
Please tell me why I shouldn't wonder
Why you have pushed the button,
Why you still wait for another tear
As though you don't even care that my end is near

I may not feel it but You'll always be there
To share in the pain of every drop of tear;
You may not completely take away that which threatens
For You would not deny me that which strengthens.
But please don't, when the darkness closes in, fail to whisper in my ear-
"You're never alone, I'm here"

- Jean
